14. Dezember 2004 Frohe Weihnachtszeit!
Hallo liebe Besucher meiner Website!
Zunächsteinmal möchte ich mich bei allen meinen "Fans" und Freunden ganz herzlich dafür bedanken, dass ihr mir auch dieses Jahr die Treue gehalten habt, auch wenn es mal nicht so viele Updates und Neuheiten gab.
Tja, so langsam neigt sich ein weiteres Jahr des "neuen" Jahrtausends dem Ende entgegen und ich finde es wird Zeit, sich ein wenig Gedanken über das vergangene Jahr, sich selber und seine Mitmenschen zu machen und nicht nur in sinnlosem Kaufwahn durch die Städte zu eilen um noch schnell und hecktisch die letzten Geschenke einzukaufen.
Nehmt Euch doch einfach mal etwas Zeit und denkt mal an die Menschen, an die Ihr in letzter Zeit vielleicht ein bischen zu wenig oder garnicht gedacht habt.
Weihnachten, das Fest der Liebe! Das sagt sich so leicht. Aber diese Liebe sollte nicht nur zu so einer Gelegenheit wie Weihnachten gegeben und empfangen werden sondern das ganze Jahr über. Es ist zwar sicher ein schöner Anlass, aber es sollte nicht extra ein solcher nötig sein, um mal seine Gefühle zu zeigen oder sie auszusprechen.
Daher mein Wunsch für dieses Jahr und meine Bitte an Euch: zeigt wieder
mehr Gefühle und das nicht nur Euren Mitmenschen gegenüber, sondern auch
für Eure Umwelt und die Natur um Euch. Denn die hat es ganz besonders
So, vielleicht bedeuten diese Wort ja jemandem von Euch auch was, vielleicht auch nicht, ich würde mich jedenfalls freuen, wenn wir alle ein bischen weniger nur an uns selber denken würden. Ich versuche es jedenfalls immer wieder aufs Neue. Dankeschön und ein frohes und (wirklich) besinnliches Weihnachtsfest.
Jetzt aber wieder zum angenehmen Teil des Abends. Sie sind zwar nicht mehr ganz brandneu und ich habe sie schon beim letzten Update in die Galerien gestellt, aber hier seien sie jetzt nochmal offiziell vorgestellt.
Die Herr der Ringe Galerie hat ein wenig Verstärkung durch einen Ringgeist zu Pferd bekommen und in der Erotic Galerie ist jetzt Sophie von Reaper Miniatures zu sehen.
Wir sehen uns hoffentlich gesund und munter im nächsten Jahr wieder! Und denkt dran, kein Alkohol am Steuer!
14. December 2004 Merry Christmas time!
Hallo dear visitor of my website!
First I'd like to thank all of my "fans" and friends for beeing faithfull with me throughout the year, even though there haven't been so many updates and news here lately.
Well, slowly another year of the "new" millenium draws to its end and
I think it is getting time to sit down and have a few thoughts about the
gone year, one self and one's fellow men and not only haste through our
cities on the sensless hunt after the last few presents for christmas.
Take your time and think of the people you may haven't thought of at all
or not enough, lately.
Christmas, a celebration all about love! This is said so easy. But this love shouldn't only be given and received on an occasion like christmas, but throughout the hole of the year. It may be a nice occasion, but there shouldn't be such an extra occasion, just to let show or say your feelings.
So my wish for this year and my plea to you: please show more of your
feelings again, and not only to your fellow men, but to the environement
and nature all around you. For nature is definitely in the need for it.
Now, maybe for some of you these words do have a meaning, maybe not, I
for my part would be delighted, if all of us would think a bit less just
about our selfs. I for my part will try it every day anew. Thank you and a merry and (really) thoughtfull christmas.
But now for the fun part of the evening. They may not be brandnew anymore and I have allready posted them with the last update, but here they are introduced officially:
The Lord of the Rings gallery has been enforced by a monted Ringwraith and in the Erotic gallery we now have Sophie from Reaper Miniatures. Hopefully we meet again well and healthy next year! And remember, don't drink and drive! |
11. November 2004 Endlich ein Update!
Wow, das war wohl eine etwas längere "kurze Pause"
seit dem letzten Update!
Naja, der Sommer war auch relativ unspektakulär, mal ganz davon
abgesehen, dass das Wetter auch nicht so mitgespielt hat. Ich war auf
einigen Conventions und hab ein paar Malwettbewerbe mit meinen
Modellen gewonnen! Und nun freuen wir uns alle auf eine geruhsame und
friedliche Weihnachtszeit, was auch immer diese wert ist, in solch
schwierigen und verzweifelten Zeiten.
Aber jetzt erstmal weiter mit dem recht überfälligen
Inzwischen habe ich meine 2te Orcwarlord Büste von Forgeworld
bemalt und auch schon ein paar Wettbewerbe damit für mich
entscheiden können.
Auch hatte ich endlich Gelegenheit, meinen schon etwas älteren
bretonischen Grünen Ritter von Games Workshop
nochmal etwas detailierter und besser zu fotografieren
Für die Bilder und zusätzliche Infos einfach auf die
Thumbnails klicken! |
11. November 2004 Finaly an update!
Wow, this has been a little bit longer "short break" since
the last update!
Well, summer hasn't been that spectecular anyway, aside from the
weather that hasn't been all too good either. I have been to a couple
conventions and won a few painting competitions with my models! And
now we are all looking forward to an unhurried and piecefull christmas
time, what ever that is worth in these times of trouble and despair!
But now on with the long overdue update:
In the meantime I have painted my second Orcwarlord Bust from
Forgeworld and allready I have won a few competitions with it.
I also found the opportunity to take a couple of new and better
photos from my older painted bretonian Green Knight from Games
For the images and some extra info just click on the thumbnails!
28. Februar 2004 Eine neue
Da ich in der letzten Zeit diverse Herr der Ringe
Spielminiaturen bemalt habe, zeige ich diese jetzt in der neuen
der Ringe Untersektion der
Den Anfang machen
der Graue und
der Weisse.
9. November 2003 Prämiert!
Auf der Wargaming Convention "Crisis", die am 8.11.03
in Antwerpen statt fand, habe ich mit meinen Miniaturen 7 Preise
Im Einzelnen waren das:
Edition Roborally Roboter: bester humoristischer Beitrag
night's Job" (VIC9): Silber
in der Tasse: Gold - bestes Diorama - Best of Show!
3. November 2003 Ganz viel Neues!
Ich habe eine neue Miniatur modelliert. Diesesmal ist es ein
aus dem deutschen Comic "Helden"
von Ralf Paul.
Ihr findet ihn in der neuen
Miniaturen Galerie, zusammen mit einigen anderen schönen
neuen Miniaturen von Masquerade.
Endlich ist es soweit. Der neunte Beitrag für Vision
in Colors ist fertig.
Was ich aus der Miniatur gemacht habe, findest Du hier:
28. February 2004 A new gallery!
Cause I have painted a couple of the Lord of the Rings
gaming miniatures recently, I'd like to show them now in the new
of the Rings subsection of the
Starting with
the Grey and
the White.
9. November 2003 Awarded!
At the Wargaming Convention "Crisis", held on the 8th
November 03 in Antwerp, I was able to win 7 awards with my
In detail there where:
Edition Roborally Robots: best humoristic entry
night's Job" (VIC9): Silver
Rescue: Gold - best Diorama - Best of Show!
3rd November 2003 A lot of new stuff!
I have sculpted a new miniature. This time it's an
from the german comicbook "Helden"
by Ralf Paul.
You'll find it in the new
Miniatures gallery, together with a few other new very nice
miniatures from Masquerade.
There it is. I finally finished the 9th installment of Vision
in Colors.
Find out what I did with the miniature here:
21. August 2003 Eine neue Miniatur!
Es gibt mal wieder was Neues hier. Diesesmal ist es meine erste
bemalte Inquisitor Miniatur von Games Workshop.
21st August 2003 A new miniature!
I have another new miniature for you today. This time it's my
first painted Inquisitor miniature from Games Workshop.
5th June 2003 New dragon images!
Today I have images of a green dragon I painted back in 1994.
22th May 2003 A new Rackham miniature
After two years I finally finished my Rackham Dwarf
"Kahinir, the savage" .
11th May 2003 Some new W.I.P. stuff!
Today I have some images of new 54mm stuff in the
27th April 2003 A new scifi miniature and
more WIP Images!
I have painted up a very nice 54mm Scifi miniature.
Go, check it out
There are also a few new
shots of my Rackham dwarf!
5th April 2003 Two new painted miniatures
I finally finished my latest dragon project,
Ral Partha's "Riding the Cold Wind to Valhalla".
Go, check it out
Also check out my
Warmaster Imperial Griffin!
3rd April 2003 New W.I.P. photos!
are the latest W.I.P. photos of Rackham's Kahinir le sauvage!
01st April 2003 A new link added!
Wow, it's the 1st of April, but believe me, this is not a joke. Go
check out
Alessio Cisbanie's great website at
There you'll find some nicely painted miniatures which even won him a
Golden Demon at Italy's Games Day!
Congratulations, Alessio!
20th March 2003 New W.I.P. photos!
I spend a little more time with Kahinir le sauvage, and
some new images!
21st February 2003 New W.I.P. photos!
Some new in-progress images of Kahinir le sauvage, a
Confrontation Dwarf.
See them
13th February 2003 New W.I.P. photos!
Wow, another month has come and gone. Well, I finally continued with
some Rackham
miniatures I started 1 1/2 years ago!
So here are three new W.I.P Images of a Confrontation dwarf
in the
13th January 2003 Harpy finished!
This time I have some brandnew stuff for you.
I finally managed to finish my latest project "Harpy"!
5th January 2003 First update of the year!
First of all a happy new year.
This time I have uploaded some new images of older miniatures, taken
with my Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera. Check out some much
better and closer images of Teclis, Ungrim Ironfist, a
Demon Slayerdwarf and some other Slayerdwarves in the
Workshop Fantasy Gallery. Other updated images to follow...
I am also about to finish the 80mm Andrea/3D Girls "Harpy"
that can be seen in the
Gallery, so expect some exciting shots within the next few days!
27th December 2002 My next Painting
I will hold my next Painting Workshop on Saturday 25th of January
Like before, it will take place at the
in 44787 Bochum, Südring 21 (new adress!!!), tel. 0234 -
I will be there from 10am to 4pm and
paint miniatures with you. So make sure to bring some minis,
paints and brushes. I also strongly
recommend a desk lamp for painting with the propper
lighting. And remember, the whole thing is for free. You are welcome,
see you there.
22th December 2002Just a small update
Managed to add three new images of my current painting-project into
Gallery befor the end of the year!
This time I painted up her face.
15th December 2002 Have yourself a merry
little christmas!
Ho, Ho, Ho! Once again, it is the time of the year and probably my
last update for 2002. Haven't been too busy lately, but I have
uploaded some new images of my current painting-project into the
15th November 2002 Some new images!
This time I have some images of a second unfinished Games Workshop
plastic skeleton, I once converted to a Terminator "T800".
You can find them
14th November 2002 New work in progress!
I have uploaded some images of my current painting-project into the
9th September 2002 The next Painting
Workshop is on Saturday 21st of September!
I will hold the next painting-workshop at the
in 44787 Bochum, Humboldstrasse 54, tel. 0234 - 67371.
So for everyone in the area who's interested, I will be there from
10am to 4pm and paint miniatures with
you. So make sure to bring some minis, paints
and brushes. I also strongly recommend a desk
lamp for painting with the propper lighting. And remember, the
whole thing is for free. You are welcome, see you there.
5th September 2002 A new section about
sculpting miniatures!
This site now has a section that is all about
Check out the first images of a miniature I am currently working on
in the
In Progress Gallery.
29th July 2002 Update in the SciFi Gallery
and a totally new Gallery!
I finally took a couple of photos of the
Robot Bust from the Judge Dredd Motionpicture.
They can be found in the
Also new is the
I have moved over the
Girl to it and added images of my latest work, a sexy redheaded
female from
Warning, full frontal nudity!
15th July 2002 Update in the W.I.P.
Following a subject in my forum about how to paint bones and skulls I
have put up a few sample images of my Rackham skeletons in
progress in the
14th July 2002 Update in the W.I.P.
I have put up an image of my current commissioned project in the
It involves sculpting a little sidekick and a new base.
But be warned, it is a bit, ahem, explicit.
25th June 2002 Update in the photography
As I am now proud owner of a digital camera, I have updated the infos
in the photography section.
Also I have described the positioning of my desk-lamps while making
photos a bit better.
23rd June 2002 A new miniature in the
Assasin Gallery!
I have added a new miniature to the
It is one of the two new releases from
this month.
I also found the time to paint a bit more on some long time
in-progress Fiannas from Rackham.
Check out two new images in the
Gallery. They show my progress with an "NMM" sword.
Last new stuff for today are a few images in the
Gallery of a sorcerer's apprentice I've painted last year.
14th June 2002 A new painted
Just a small update this time. I painted a Reaper Fire Sorcerer for a
friend this week . Check it out in the
16th June 2002 Assassin Gallery up!
I have uploaded the
Gallery to the
I've also replaced the images of
in the
Gallery with better and sharper ones!
31st May 2002 Update of the link section!
I have split the hobby link page into two seperate pages. One
containing links about gaming
miniatures and the other about garage-
and modelkits.
26th May 2002 My latest V.I.C. Miniature
is up!
The 7th installment of Dominic Heutelbeck's Visions In Color showcase
is over and all the beautifull entries can be seen at
site. I have uploaded the photos of my VIC#7 entry to my
12th May 2002 The next official
painting-workshop at Highlander-Games in Bochum!
On Saturday the 1st of June I will hold the next painting-workshop
at the
Shop in 44787 Bochum, Humboldstrasse 54, tel. 0234 - 67371.
This time we will be sitting in the back of the store, with a lot
more tables and space.
So for everyone in the area who's interested, I will be there from
10am to 4pm and paint miniatures with
you. So make sure to bring some minis, paints
and brushes. I also strongly recommend a desk
lamp for painting with the propper lighting. You are welcome,
see you there.
10th April 2002 A forum is up!
Mark Fergel of www.pcmodeler.com
was so kind to put up a forum
for me in his forum-area. If you have any questions concerning my
miniatures and paintingtechniques, feel free to check it out!
7th April 2002 A new gallery!
In the new
In Progress Gallery you can check out some stuff I am currently
working on.
Also added a few new links to interesting places on the WWW.
Check out Michael Holzapfel's new internetsite
25th March 2002 More images of Abyst!
Uploaded some more closer images of V.I.C.#2, Reaper's
Check 'em out!
24th March 2002 A new Dragon in the
The new entry in the
Gallery is
the forest dragon, from Reaper
I also took a few more images of my V.I.C.#1 entry,
the Succubus!
23rd March 2002 Gallery layout clean-up
I have taken this saturday evening to finish my clean-up of the
What the heck, it was a borig evening, anyway!
22nd March 2002 Some more images!
On public demand I've uploaded a couple more "hot details"
of my
Fireelemental and a little tutorial on how I painted the fire.
Btw., these additional images where taken with my new Nikon
Coolpix 995. A great camera for this purpose!
20th March 2002 YEEHAWWW!!! Happy
No, not me! But THE MINIATUREGALLERY is now exactly 1 year online
and I am quite happy with it. I would like to take this opportunity to
thank everyone who visited this site and all those who helped and
shared their knowledge and critique to make this site a personal
success for me. Keep visiting this place for more updates and projects
in the future.
Yours truly
17th March 2002 A new miniature in the
I have uploaded several images of my latest paintjob to the
I also added the score this and some of my other miniatures
get at Coolminiornot!
4th March 2002 Gallery layout clean-up
Cleaned up the
! I also uploaded a couple of new images to the
and a new Dragon to the
27th February 2002 Gallery layout
Nothing new, I just found the time to clean up the gallery layout.
Tonite I started with the
24th February 2002 A tutorial in the
advanced-painting section!
I have put up a
tutorial in the advanced section!
19th February 2002 The Guestbook is
finally up!
After another session of sweat and tears my
guestbook is
finally up and running!
As I am not really the genius when it comes to Perl programming, I
took a free guestbookscript and modified it to my taste and design.
The script was originally programmed by Matt Wright and can be found
at Matt's
Script Archive!
10th February 2002
I have added a new miniature to the
Gallery !
5th January 2002 Official
painting-workshop at Highlander-Games in Bochum!
On Saturday, 16th February I will hold a painting-workshop
at the Highlander-Games
Shop in
44787 Bochum, Humboldstrasse 54, tel. 0234 - 67371.
For everyone in the area who's interested, I will be there from 10am
to 4pm and paint miniatures with you. So make sure to
bring some minis, paints and brushes.
I also recommend a desk lamp for painting with the
propper lighting. You are welcome, see you there.
1st January 2002 HAPPY
For the first update this year I have a new sub-section in the
Gallery. Check out the
Gallery with two new additions.
I also added new images of the
Dwarf in the
29th December 2001 Ok,Ok,Ok... one
more for 2001! I replaced some images of the Hunter in the
Gallery with better photos.
And I also added a new mini to this gallery: Chagall, the Champion of
the Ghouls!
I also replaced some of the T'Char images in the
Gallery after I have reworked his breast scales a bit.
28th December 2001 Wow, another year
is almost over and this may be the last update for 2001! So thanks to
everyone who visited my little corner of the web and made this first
year of the miniaturegallery not my personal odyssey though
the web but even a little success.
Well, I saved two goodies for last, so check out two new additions,
one in the
Gallery and one in the
7th December 2001 Well, I added some
little christmas deco to get into the mood and uploaded two new
entries to the
Gallery and the
28th November 2001 There are two new
links in the hobbysites
section, leading you to Bart
van Dijk's mini-painting site and to
Cool Mini or
24nd November 2001 Check out the
from Ral Partha I put up in the
23nd November 2001 A bunch of new
entries in the
Gallery and the
Gallery !
Also two new links in the hobbysites
section, leading you to
Modelers of Hawai!
22nd November 2001 Two new links in
the hobbysites section,
leading you to Joel
Patton's Minutae and Ng
Chern An's Littlebrush!
Also there is a new entry in the
Workshop Fantasy section!
15th November 2001 A new link in the
hobbysites section,
leading you to Arjay's
Land of the Diminutive!
14th November 2001 I have uploaded a
new entry to the
9th November 2001 I have split the
Gallery into company related sub-Galleries!
5th November 2001 Just put up some new
links in the hobbysites
31st October 2001 HAPPY
HALLOWEEN to all of you out there!
28th October 2001 I finally designed
new navbars and logo!
Well, here they are. Some new navbars
and a new logo. Took me the whole sunday to design. They are a bit
more techno-style, but they are also smaller in memory and load a bit
faster. Hope you like 'em. Won't be the last anyway. ;o)
26th October 2001 Spiel '01 is over!
The "Spiel '01" game fair is
over. It was a hard but nice week and I met a lot of nice people and
had my share of fun and stress. I took a couple of photos and hope to
scan and rework them soon, so I can show them in the gallery. I only
used a cheap camera, so the quality won't be too good anyway.
I've removed the updates list and
splitted this news, so the main page will load a bit faster. Below you
find a link to the news-archives.
I also added a few new
3rd October 2001 Spiel '01 is coming!
From 18th to 21st of October the "Spiel
'01" game and trade fair will be held in Essen in the "Gruga
I will be with Assassin-Miniatures
(Hall 6/ Booth 27) all four days and will be painting and maybe even
do some sculpting.
28th August 2001 Added three new
entries to the SCIFI-Gallery!
Added a Predator vinyl kit, a Catachan Jungle Fighter
and a Terminator conversion to the
15th August 2001 Added a new dragon
and two more images of the Forge World Orcwarlord bust!
Take a look at the new Emerald Dragon in the
And two more side views of the Forge World Orcwarlord bust in the
14th August 2001 Added a new gallery
and some new gallery entries!
I have added Gallery No.5. The
There are also four new additions to the
6th August 2001 Added a sitemap!
For a better overview I've compiled a little sitemap.
1st August 2001 Reworked the
For better navigation I have split the Links-section
into three areas.
I also added new links to the Magazine-section.
17th June 2001 New Gallery entries
I have uploaded two new entries to the
25th April 2001 A new link added!
Just added the link to
Miniatures. Check out Jennifer Haley's outstanding painted
13th April 2001 New Gallery entries
There are several new entries in the
Gallery, the
Gallery and the
25th March 2001 A new Logo!
I have designed a new logo!
I also added picures of Durin's Doom to the
23th March 2001 Updates list added and
four new Dragons in the Dragon Gallery!
Under "news" you can now find a complete updates list,
keeping track of what's happening at the miniaturegallery.
I have also uploaded four new Dragons to the
Gallery. A Silver-Black Dragon, a Swamp Dragon,
a Red Dragon and Takhisis.
20th March 2001
...hello... ...ah... ...Huston? ...we have a miniaturegallery!
Hi there folks, I finally found the time to work on my little corner
of the internet and launch my personal webpage dedicated to this
exciting hobby. A special welcome to all you
You know who you are. :o)
Well, not too much to see, yet. Just the basic framework and a few
entries in the
But I couldn't resist to upload it. So watch this space for
forthcoming news.
As English is not my mother tongue, please be lenient to me, if there
are any mistakes on these pages, especially when it gets more
Talking of technical. I tried to make sure that this webpage will
look as much as the same at least on the two leading browsers. The
only real problem I have is with the animated buttons. While looking
quite nice in MS IE, Netscape refuses to display the animations right.
So it looks much better in IE. If any of you have an idea how to solve
this problem with Netscape and animated gifs, please send me an
See you soon with the next update...